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Old Somerset, whose county seat is at Princess Anne, once encompassed a much larger area than the current boundaries. It included the territory shown at right, the areas which now are the counties of Somerset (bordered in red), Worcester and Wicomico in Maryland, and part of
Sussex in Delaware. Other close neighbors are
Dorchester County, Maryland to the northwest and
Accomack County, Virginia to the south. Many early Somerset settlers came up from Accomack. Cecil, Lord Baltimore, Lord Proprietary of the Province of Maryland proclaimed in 1666 that Somerset County would be "bounded south with a line from Watkin's Point (being the north point of tht bay into wch the River Wighco formly called Wighcocomoco afterwards Pocomoke and Wighcocomoco againe, doth fall exclusively) to the Ocean on the east; Nanticoke River on the North & the Sound of Chesipeake Bay on the West." Somerset County was named for Lady Mary Somerset, sister of Cecilius Calvert's wife, Lady Anne Arundell.
We have the 1877 Lake Griffing & Stevenson Atlas maps for Somerset online at the 1877 Atlas page. Enjoy!
We also have Stepney Parish Records images for 1703-1890 at the Stepney Parish page.
The LOWER-DELMARVA-ROOTS Forum is the descendant of the late, great LOWER-DELMARVA-ROOTS-L RootsWeb Mailing List. I was the Listmaster for its entire existance, and it was my distinct pleasure to oversee this large gathering of Delmarva researchers who shared information, chatted, became friends, and helped each other out for many, many years before the mailing lists were discontinued. Can we catch that lightening in a bottle again? Well, let's see.
Click on the logo below to visit the forum. Be sure to register and post your own query, or list your surnames, or just say hello! <
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If you have any comments, concerns, questions, or suggestions regarding the
content or coding of any page on this site, or if any of the links do not work, please let me know.
Please note . . . I am unable to reply to requests for personal research. I'm not a professional genealogist, and my efforts in my own ancestor quest as well as supporting my web sites are as much time as I can spare away from my own family and job. Please take some time to browse through this website! You will learn about many resources and other types of help that are available to you. If you have questions regarding resources in these counties, or wish to recommend online resources, don't hesitate to write!
Shari Handley () Somerset County, Maryland USGenWeb Project County Coordinator